
  • 미분기하학 입문 [경문사: 1987, 1991(재판), 1997(3판)] –Introduction to Differential Geometry [Kyung Moon Sa , Seoul : 1987,1991(the 2nd edition), 1997 –(the 3nd edition)]
  • 벡터속 이론 [민음사(대우재단): 1988] –The theory of vector bundles [Mineum Press Comapny , Seoul : 1988]
  • 선형대수학 [경문사: 방승진, 손진우 공저; 1997] –Linear Algebra [ Kyung Moon Sa , Seoul ; coauthor(S.-J. Bang, J.-W. Son); 1997]
  • 리군의 표현론 [민음사(대우재단): 1998] –Representation Theory of Lie Groups [Mineum Press Company , Seoul : 1998]
  • 선형대수학과 그 응용 [경문사: 김진걸 공저; 2004, 2010] –Linear Algebra with Applications [Kyung Moon Sa , Seoul : coauthor(Jin-Geol Kim); 2004, 2010]
  • Linear Algebra (English) [Inha University : 2010]
  • Heisenberg Groups, Theta Functions and the Weil Representation — [ISBN : 978-89-6105-599-4] [Kyung Moon Sa , Seoul : 2012]