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- Harmonic analysis on the quotient spaces of Heisenberg groups, Nagoya Math. J. 123 (1991), 103-117.
- Some results on Jacobi forms of higher degree, Proc. RIMS Symposium on Automorphic Forms and –associated Zeta Functions, Kyoto (1992), 36-50.
- The Siegel-Jacobi Operator, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 63 (1993), 135-146.
- Harmonic analysis on the quotient spaces of Heisenberg groups II, Jour. of Number Theory 49 (1994), –no.1, 63-72.
- Vanishing theorems on Jacobi forms of higher degree, J. Korean Math. Soc. 30 (1993), no. 1, 185-198.
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- Singular Jacobi forms, Trans. American Math. Soc. 347 (1995), no. 6, 2041-2049.
- Construction of Vector Valued Modular Forms from Jacobi Forms, Canadian Jour. Math. 47 (1995), –1329-1339 or arXiv:math.NT/0612502.
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- Note on Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture, Proceedings of the 1994 Conferences on Number Theory –and Related Topics (Masan-Pusan, 1994), Pyungsan Inst. Math. Sci., Seoul, (1995), pp. 29-36.
- On theta functions, Kyungpook Math. J. 35 (1996), no. 3, 857-875.
- Kac-Moody algebras, the Monstrous Moonshine, Jacobi forms and infinite products, Proceeding of the –1995 Symposium on Number Theory, Geometry and Related Topics (Iksan City, 1995), 13-82, Pyungsan –Inst. Math. Sci., Seoul, 1996 or arXiv:math.NT/0612474.
- A geometrical theory of Jacobi forms of higher degree, Proceedings of Symposium on Hodge Theory and –Algebraic Geometry (edited by Tadao Oda), Sendai, Japan (1996), 125-147 or Kyungpook Math. J., vol. 40 –(2000), 209-237 or arXiv:math.NT/0602056.
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- Stable automorphic forms, Proceedings of Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Trascendental Number Theory –and Related Topics, Masan (1998), 101-126.
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- 리만 가설에 관하여(the Riemann Hypothesis ; Korean), Math. Festival 프로시딩(수학사랑), 제2집 3권 –(2000), 314-327.
- Lattice represenations of Heisenberg groups, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), 309-323 or arXiv:math.RT/0612339.
- The Method of Orbits for Real Lie Groups, Kyungpook Math. J. 42 (2002), no. 2, 199-272 or ArXiv:math.RT –/0602056.
- 마쓰-야코비 형식에 관한 연구 (초청논문)[On Maass-Jacobi Forms (invited paper); Korean], –Communications of the Korean Math. Soc., 18 (2003), no. 3, 393-427.
- On the Group SL(2,R)⋉R(m,2) , J. Korean Math. Soc. 40 (2003), no. 5, 831-867.
- A Note on Maass-Jacobi Forms, Kyungpook Math. J., 43 (2003), no.4, 547-566 or arXiv:math.NT/061287.
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- A note on a fundamental domain for Siegel-Jacobi space, Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 32, –No. 3 (2006), 701-712 or arXiv:math NT/0507218.
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- A partial Cayley transform of Siegel-Jacobi disk, arXiv:math.NT/0507216 or Journal of the Korean –Math. Soc. 45 (2008), No. 3, pp. 781-794.
- Invariant metrics and Laplacians on Siegel-Jacobi disk, arXiv:math.NT/0507217 or Chinese Annals of –Mathematics, Series B, Vol. 31B(1) (2010), pp. 85-100.
- Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces, arXiv:math.NT/0601655.
- A note on the Artin conjecture, Trends in Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2006), 99-107 or arXiv:math/0611424 –[math.HO].
- The Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, Proceedings of the 2002 International Conferenece on Related –Subjects to Clay Problems, edited edited by Y. G. Kim, G. S. Seo, H. S. Park and J.-H. Yang, the Institute of Pure and –Applied Mathematics, Chonbuk National University, Korea, pp. 134-151 (2002) : ISSN 1598-7116 –or arXiv:math/0611423 [math.HO (math.NT)].
- Remark on Harmonic Analysis on Siegel-Jacobi Space, arXiv:math/0612230v3 [math.NT].
- Theta series associated with the Weil-Schroedinger representation, arXiv:0709.0071v1 [math.NT].
- Theory of the Siegel Modular Variety, arXiv:0706.4268v2 [math.NT] or Proceedings of the International –Conference and Cryptography, Edited by S. D. Adhikari and B. Ramakrishnan, Harish-Chandra Institute, –Allahabad, India : A Publication of Hindustan Book Agency (2009), 219-278.
- Langlands Functoriality Conjecture, arXiv:0808.091v1 [math.NT] or Kyungpook Math. J., Vol. 49, no. 2 –(2009), 355-387.
- Heisenberg Groups, Theta Functions and the Weil Representation, arXiv:0905.1865 [math.NT(math.RT)].
- The Weil Representation of the Jacobi Group, arXiv:0907.4526 [math.RT].
- Lecture on Langlands Functoriality Conjecture, arXiv:0907.4527 [math.NT (math.AG)].
- The Schroedinger-Weil Representation and Jacobi Forms of Half-Integral Weight, arXiv:0908.0252 –[math.NT (math.RT)].
- (with M.Itoh and H.Ochiai) Invariant Differential Operators on Siegel-Jacobi Space [preprint 2014]
- Invariant differential operators on the Minkowski-Euclid space, J. Korean Math. Soc. 50 (2013), No. 2, pp. 275-306.
- Maass-Jacobi Forms_II, KYUNGPOOK Math. J. 53 (2013), 49-86.
- Sectional Curvatures of the Siegel-Jacobi Space, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 50 (2013), No. 3, pp. 787-799.
- Selected Papers (2013. 10. 31)
- The Schrodinger-Weil Representation and Theta Sums (preprint: 2014)
- Invariant Differential Operators on Siegel-Jacobi Space and Maass-Jacobi Forms, Proceedings of the International –Conference on Geometry, Number Theory and Representation Theory, October 10-12, 2012, Incheon, Korea –(edited by Jae-Hyun Yang), pp. 37-63 (2013).
- The Weil Representations of the Jacobi Group, Proceedings of the International Conference on Geometry, Number Theory –and Representation Theory, October 10-12, 2012, Incheon, Korea (edited by Jae-Hyun Yang), pp. 169-204 (2013).
- Polarized Real Tori, J.Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), No. 2, pp. 269-331.
- Covariant Maps for the Schroedinger-Weil Representation, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), No. 2, pp. 627-647.
- Geometry and Arithmetic on the Siegel-Jacobi Space, Progress in Mathematics, [Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds, — edited by T. Ochiai, T. Mabuchi, Y. Maeda, J. Noguchi, A. Weinstein], Vol. 308 (2015), pp. 275-325.
- Ngo Bao Chau, Endoscopy Theory and Automorphic Forms [Proceedings of ICM2010]
- Ngo Bao Chau, Le lemme fondamental pour les algebres de Lie [Publ. IHES, vol. 111 (2010), 1-169]
초청강연 (Invited Lectures)
- 리만 가설에 관하여 [Math Festival 프로시딩 제2집 3권 (2000), 314-327 쪽]
- 현대 수학의 동향 (초청강연: 2002)
- 소수의 아름다움 [부록: 셀버그(Atle Selberg)의 명복을 빌며] (초청강연: 2007)
- 수학자로서의 삶 (회갑 기념강연 : 2013. 11. 15)
- Geometry and Arithmetic on Siegel-Jacobi Space (국제학술회의 초청 강연 : 2013. 12. 05)
에세이 (Essays)
- 막스-플랑크 수학연구소 [대한수학회소식 제 90호 (2003년 7월), 17-23쪽]
- 마침내 Poincare Conjecture 가 해결되다 ! [대한수학회소식 제 109호 (2006년 9월), 12-18쪽]–Perelman의 업적에 –관하여 -Poincare 가설과 geometrization 가설- [대한수학회소식 제 109호 –(2006년 9월), 19-26쪽]
- 인도의 Harish-Chandra 연구소에 다녀와서 [대한수학회소식 제 115호 (2007년 9월), 8-13쪽]
- 위대한 피겨 스케이터 김연아 ! (2010)
- Millennium Prize (상금 100만불)는 펠레만에게 (2010)
- 프린스턴에서의 이임학 교수와의 만남 (2010)
- Friedrich Hirzebruch(1927-2012)의 명복을 빌며 (2012)
- 고바야시 쇼시치(小林昭七) 교수의 명복을 빌며 (2012)
- 대한민국(한민족)이여 일어나라 ! (2014)
- 양반을 향한 긴 여정 [저자:권내현(2012)]